42 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Catchability Between “Arad” (Otter Board Boat Seine) Operated with and Without Turtle Excluder Devices (Teds)

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    The use of TEDs on the “Arad” (Otter Board Boat Seine Net) has never been done by fishermen from the northern part of the Java Sea in Central Java. In order to introduce this net and also to anticipate the shrimp embargo by World Trade Organization (WTO. TEDs construction used in this study was Hooped TEDs with LxBxD dimension of 60x 40 x 60 cm; width of grids deflector of 5 cm) . This construction made an angle of 45°. Fishing operation with and without TEDs was done 9 times during the day. Shrimp, fish, others and garbage entering the net were measured in terms of body weight and fish body circle was also measured in order to compare the result of each treatment. Both nets (with and without TEDs) contained Shrimp (Metapenaeus sp), Pilot-fish (Selaroides sp), Mackerel (Rastrelliger sp), Hair-tails (Trichiurus sp, Pony-fish(Leiognathus sp), others and garbage. The average catch every hauling for the net with TEDs were : Shrimp 1.17 kg; Fish 1.66 kg; others 0.14 kg and garbage 0.1 kg; whereas the net without TEDs were : Shrimp 1.09 kg; Fish 2.33 kg, others 0.34 kg and garbage 1.31 kg. The average body circle of fish caught by net with TEDs was 4.0-7.4 cm and those caught by net without TEDs was 4.0-8.9 cm. The amount of fish and garbage caught by using each treatment differed very significantly, while the amount of shrimp caught did not

    Hubungan Jenis Umpan Dan Ukuran Mata Pancing Alat Tangkap Rawai Dasar Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Kakap (Lutjanus SP) Di Perairan Pasir, Kebumen

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    Rawai dasar umum digunakan oleh nelayan di Perairan Pasir Kebumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hasil tangkapan ikan kakap (Lutjanus sp) terhadap penggunaan umpan dan ukuran mata pancing yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimental fishing dengan 2 variabel yaitu jenis umpan dan ukuran mata pancing dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu (tembang,layur,nomor 6, dan nomor 9). Masing-masing dilakukan dengan 10 kali ulangan. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kenormalan data dan uji ANOVA dengan SPSS 17.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umpan tembang berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan dan umpan layur pada penelitian ini tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah hasil tangkapan Kakap (Lutjanus sp) hal ini dilihat dari hasil tangkapan umpan tembang bernomor 6 sebanyak 95 ekor, dan umpan tembang bernomor 9 sebanyak 85 ekor, serta umpan layur bernomor 6 sebanyak 57 ekor, dan umpan layur bernomor 9 sebanyak 43 ekor. Hasil uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan alat tangkap pancing dengan kombinasi umpan tembang lebih baik digunakan

    Analisis Perbedaan Lama Perendaman Dan Waktu Penangkapan Pada Jaring Koncong (Encircling Gillnet) Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger SP.) Di Desa Pulolampes, Brebes

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    Potensi sumberdaya ikan kembung yang ada di perairan Brebes perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya pemanfaatan, baik dengan cara meningkatkan USAha atau cara-cara yang sudah ada atau dengan cara mencari alternatif baru yang nantinya meningkatkan hasil tangkapan seperti yang diharapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh perbedaan lama perendaman pada alat tangkap jaring koncong terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan kembung, mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh perbedaan waktu penangkapan pada alat tangkap jaring koncong terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan kembung, dan mengetahui ada tidaknya interaksi antara perbedaan lama perendaman dengan perbedaan waktu penangkapan pada alat tangkap jaring koncong terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan kembung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode experimental fishing dengan 2 variabel yaitu lama perendaman dan waktu penangkapan dengan 6 perlakuan. Analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov, uji ANOVA RAL faktorial, dan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan lama perendaman ada pengaruh terhadap jumlah tangkapan dan berat tangkapan ikan kembung yaitu yang terbaik adalah lama perendaman 3 jam; perbedaan waktu penangkapan ada pengaruh terhadap jumlah tangkapan dan berat tangkapan ikan kembung yaitu yang terbaik adalah waktu penangkapan pagi; dan tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara perbedaan lama perendaman waktu penangkapan terhadap jumlah dan berat tangkapan ikan kembung. Mackerel resource potential in Brebes waters efforts need some efforts to use it, either by increasing the effort or means of an existing a new way of alternatives that will improve the catch as expected. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of different soaking time on fishing gear for koncong net to catch mackerel, knowing and analyze the effect of different fishing time on fishing gear for jaring koncong to catch mackerel, and determine whether an interaction between difference soaking time and fishing time on koncong net to catch mackerel. The research method was the experimental fishing with 2 variables which are the type of soaking time and fishing time with 6 treatments. The data analysis used were the normality test One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov, RAL factorial ANOVA test and Duncan test. The results showed that the differences soaking time has an effect on the total catch and catch weight of mackerel, and the best is 3 hours soaking time; differences fishing time has an effect on the total catch and catch weight of mackerel, and the best is morning fishing time; and there was no interaction effect between difference soaking time and fishing time for the number and the weight of mackerel catch

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Warna Jaring Insang Dasar (Bottom Set Gill Net) Dan Lama Perendaman Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus) Di Perairan Jepara, Jawa Tengah

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    Jaring insang dasar (bottom set gillnet) merupakan alat tangkap yang banyak digunakan nelayan di Kabupaten Jepara, khususnya nelayan di PPI Ujungbatu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap jaring insang dasar berfosfor dan tidak berfosfor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interaksi antara warna gill net dan lama perendaman terhadap hasil tangkapan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus); menganalisis pengaruh perbedaan warna alat tangkap gill net yang digunakan terhadap jumlah hasil tangkapan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) dan menganalisis pengaruh lama perendaman pada alat tangkap gill net terhadap jumlah hasil tangkapan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 10 Oktober sampai dengan 25 Oktober 2014 di desa Ujungbatu. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode experimental fishing. Analisis penelitian ini terdiri dari variabel homogenitas, normalitas dan one way ANOVA. Analisis data diolah dengan mengunakan SPSS 16. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan jaring insang dasar warna fosfor biru mendapatkan hasil yang lebih banyak dari jaring insang dasar berwarna putih transparan.Bottom set gillnet on of fishing gear that used widely on the Jepara Regency, in particular fishermen in PPI Ujungbatu. This research was done using posphored bottom set gill net and gill net without pohsphor. The purpose of this research is to know the interactions between the gill net colors and long soaking against a small crab attaching catches (Portunus pelagicus); analyze the influence of the difference of colored gill net used against a number of catches (Portunus pelagicus) small crab attaching and analyze the effect of long immersion in the gill net fishing gear against a number of catches (Portunus pelagicus) small crab attaching. This research was conducted on October 10 until October 25, 2014 in the village of Ujungbatu. The methods used in this research is a method of experimental fishing. The analysis of this research consists of variables of its homogeneity, normality and one way ANOVA. Analysis of the data was processed using SPSS 16. The results of this study showed that the use of the net basic color phosphor blue gills get results more from the net basic gills are white transparent

    Analisis Hasil Tangkapan Udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) Pada Alat Tangkap Pukat Udang (Double Rig Shrimp Net) Berdasarkan Perbedaan Waktu Di Perairan Arafura

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    Udang merupakan komoditas unggulan hasil perikanan untuk ekspor di Indonesia. Di perairan Indonesia terdapat lebih dari 83 jenis udang Penaeid. Udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) salah satu komoditi udang yang ada di perairan Arafura. Alat tangkap yang digunakan saat penelitian adalah alat tangkap pukat udang (double rig shrimp net), cara pengoperasian alat tangkap menggunakan dua jaring pada sisi kanan dan kiri kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil tangkapan udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) pada siang dan malam hari, selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi hasil tangkapan udang pada alat tangkap pukat udang (double rig shrimp net). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data penelitian adalah metode survei lapangan dengan mengikuti langsung kegiatan operasi penangkapan alat tangkap pukat udang kapal KM. Kurnia no 5. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai tanggal 29 Juni – 22 juli 2013 dengan jumlah 84 hauling. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu udang Tiger (Penaeus semisulcatus) 84% (1911 kg), udang Ende (Metapenaeus sp.) 7% (156 kg), udang Banana (Penaeus merguensis) 3% (62 kg), udang Sakura (Metapenaeus ensis) 2% (52 kg), udang Yellow (Latisucatus sp.)2% (48 kg), dan udang Kiji (Metapenaeus ebaracensis) 2% (50 kg). Hasil udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) pada siang hari sebanyak 960 kg sedangkan malam hari sebanyak 951 kg. Berdasarkan analisa Uji T-test dihasilkan bahwa perbedaan waktu siang dan malam hari tidak mempunyai perbedaan nyata dengan nilai signifikansi 0,913 (>α=0,05). Shrimp is an excellent commodity for export of fishery products in Indonesia. In the waters of Indonesia, there are more than 83 types of penaeid shrimp. Tiger shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus) one commodity shrimp in the waters of the Arafura. Fishing gear used when research is shrimp net fishing gear (double rig shrimp net), how the operation of fishing gear used two nets on the right side and left the ship. This study aimed to determine differences in the catch Tiger shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus) on the day and night, but it also aims to determine the composition of the catch of shrimp in shrimp net gear (double rig shrimp net). The method used in this research is descriptive. The method used in this research is a method of data collection by field survey operations immediately following the fishing of shrimp net vessels KM. Kurnia no 5. This study was conducted from June 29 - July 22, 2013, with the number 84 hauling. The results obtained are Tiger Shrimp 84% (1911 kg), Ende shrimp (Metapenaeus sp.) 7% (156 kg), Banana shrimp (Penaeus merguensis) 3% (62 kg), Sakura shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) 2% (52 kg), Yellow shrimp (Latisucatus sp.) 2% (48 kg), and Kiji shrimp (Metapenaeus ebaracensis) 2% (50 kg). Results Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus) during the day as much as 960 kg, while the evening as much as 951 kg. Based on the analysis of T-test Test result that the difference between day and night has no real difference with a significance value of 0.913 (> α = 0.05)

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Perbedaan Konstruksi Mata Pancing Dan Jenis Umpan Pada Pancing Ulur Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Di Kawasan Zona Pemanfaatan Perikanan Tradisional Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the use of construction of the originally hook with the hook kirbed 30o angle, and the influence of different types of bait is natural bait of meat squid (Loligo sp.) with artificial bait, as well as for determining whether or not the effect of interaction between the form of construction the hook and type of the bait on the catch of hand line in the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The research was conducted in May-April 2012 at the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The material used in this study were the hook used to use squid bait, the hook used to use artificial bait, hook angle of 30 ⁰ with experimental fishing methods. Six times the number of repeat tests. Methods of data analysis begins by looking for the hook rate, the data was processed using a statistical test with SPSS 17 software at 95% level tests with tests of normality, homogeneity test, and two way ANOVA test. The results showed that different types of bait is not so affect the catch, the hook construction differences affect the catch Hand line and interaction between the bait the hook with the use of different constructs had no effect on the catch Hand line. Species of fish caught by fishing gear hand line overall during the study based on the percentage of the amount (kg), namely: Badong, pompano slim, large splotch trevally, pompano gargahing, but there were also fish the sergeant fish Badong fish were the most species of fish caught during the research that is equal to 64% of the 54 tail of the total catch

    Pengaruh Umpan Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Alat Tangkap Anco (Lift Net) Di Perairan Rawa Bulung Kulon, Kabupaten Kudus

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    Anco is a very simple lift net, generally used only by small fishermans. The shape of the tool is rectangular. The shape is used because after setting and hanging, the other side of the net look like a cup. Anco is used on the edge of the river and the swamp, especially in the estuarine water stream. On that section, there are many small fish schooling because the fish like to swim on the opposing direction of the water stream. Bait is used as stimulant for the fish, so that the fish schools around the anco net. The purpose of this reseatch is to analyze the use of shrimp's natural bait, worm and cassava against the anco net catch result and to know what bait that has the biggest influence against the anco net catch result. The research method used is descriptive, this research is an experimental research to test modified bait from many kinds of bait (mashed worms, mashed shrimp, mashed cassava) against the catching result in the use of anco net to catch fish. Direct observation method, interview, documentation, and literature is used to collect data. Data is then analyzed using statistic test including testing the normality, testing the homogenity, and one way Anova testing. The results of three treatmens used in the research are shrimp bait, worm, and cassava. The bait which has the most catching result in terms of result, 928 fishes and weighing 3,193 kg, but, the most catching result in the terms of weight is the shrimp bait, weighing 6,466 kg, 840 fishes. The worm bait resulting in 758 fishes, weighing 5,285 kg